Regular treatment of cervical osteochondrosis at home can reduce the number of exacerbations and lengthen the interval between them. In this article, we will tell you how to improve the patient's quality of life and improve his performance.

Basic treatment of cervical osteochondrosis at home
The treatment program has several main goals:
- improve well-being;
- increased work capacity;
- minimize the risk of complications;
- prolongation of remission between attacks.
The main principles of successful treatment are timeliness, compliance with the clinical stage, and regularity. There are several techniques that must be used in combination for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis. Drug therapy, folk remedies, physical education, massage.
They have a versatile effect on the spine and improve its condition and function.
It is advisable to coordinate the treatment with the doctor so that it matches the condition of the body, combined with the treatment of concomitant pathologies. Especially it is necessary to exclude contraindications to some treatment methods. This applies to folk methods and physiotherapy.
Improvement markers are reduction of pain syndrome, restoration of range of motion, elimination of motor and sensory function violations, and restoration of work capacity.
It should be noted that there are cases of osteochondrosis in which the patient is shown to be hospitalized in the hospital. This is necessary for complications, blood circulation disorders in the spinal tissue, constant pain, ineffectiveness of conservative methods.
Medical treatment of pathology
Medicines do not make sense if you do not remove the negative factors that aggravate the disease. To begin with, you should create comfortable conditions for the cervical spine and eliminate negative effects on the body.
The following groups of drugs are used for the treatment of osteochondrosis:
Analgesic. They are used for severe pain in the spine, limited mobility.Sedative drugs. Used for severe passion caused by painful attacks. Apply at night.Relax the muscles. They hold the tension of the muscles located along the spinal column, relieving the feeling of tension and squeezing.Non-steroidal drugs. Used to relieve swelling, inflammation, spasms. They are among the most suitable cyclooxygenase inhibitors for this condition.local preparations. Ointments and creams are used to alleviate the condition. They can be derivatives of phenylacetic acid (to reduce the symptoms of inflammation) or ointments based on chondroitin, which are used to improve cartilage conditions.Preparations that improve microcirculation. Used to improve blood circulation. They increase oxygen delivery to tissues, restore metabolism, and increase venous outflow.Diuretic. It can be used for a short time for decompression (reducing the release of fluid into the intracellular space).Medical restrictions. They are used for severe pain syndrome with high intensity. They are necessary to resume the patient's motor activity and improve his condition.Vitamin preparations. Vitamin B is used, which increases the conservation function, restores the structure and function of the roots. You can combine tablet and injection forms of release.
All drugs should be used strictly according to the scheme, according to body weight, age, comorbidities. Improving the condition after the start of taking is not a reason to cancel the drug, it is necessary to continue the course to the end.

Treatment of cervical compress osteochondrosis
Compresses can be used for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine at home. This is an effective and simple treatment method that is easy to use and can be done independently. Herbal and other medicinal components are used to compress. There are different types of compresses, depending on their effect on the tissue.
Warm compresses relieve pain in the cervical region and improve the patient's condition. They are used for severe discomfort.
The compress consists of a bandage or gauze soaked in medicine, covered with a layer of cellophane and a warm cloth.
You can use the following components for osteochondrosis:
- small grated potatoes;
- honey;
- hop cones;
- fats of animal origin;
- mint leaves;
- cabbage leaves.
You can use components infused with alcohol. As active ingredients, aloe, mustard powder, propolis, elderberry, radish root are used. To make a tincture, it is necessary to fill the selected element with vodka or alcohol, observing a ratio of 1: 1. Store the finished product in the refrigerator and use it for compresses.

boiled water
Medicinal decoctions for osteochondrosis are good because they have a complex effect on the body and improve the patient's condition, and they can be prepared at home. The following medicinal plants are used: calendula, linden, chamomile, eucalyptus, cinquefoil, currant and raspberry leaves, dried raspberry and lingonberry, cinquefoil, coltsfoot, horsetail, Ivan tea. Rose hips, lemon balm, motherwort and valerian are also used for complex home treatment of neck osteochondrosis.
You can combine herbs and make preparations, teas and decoctions from them.
The action of the drug:
- reduce inflammation;
- stimulation of the removal of toxins and waste from the tissues;
- stimulation of venous outflow and lymphatic outflow.
Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis with decoctions should be regular. The fact is that the effect occurs after prolonged use, when the accumulation of useful components occurs.
A person who takes herbal preparations will never complain about overdose or side effects - plants improve their condition.
Take the decoction 2-3 times a day, in a calm state, in the morning and before going to bed. It is better to do half an hour before eating. Keep the sauce ready for 1-1. 5 days, no more. It is better to make a new portion and drink fresh medicine. Store in the refrigerator between meals. The broth should be poured into a clean glass plate when kept cold.
General effect of herbal decoctions - soothing osteochondrosis, increasing immune protection, antiseptic effect, improving muscle and vascular tone. Improving the general condition has a positive effect on appetite, sleep and the work of all organs. An excellent option is to replace regular tea and coffee with boiling, which, on the contrary, worsens the condition of blood flow. You should also give up other bad habits that nullify all healing efforts.
The required entry course duration is 20-30 days. You can rest for a few weeks, then change the composition and take another stew. Anti-inflammatory and soothing, relieves pain.
Ointment for home treatment of neck osteochondrosis
The use of ointment with medicine has several aspects. On the one hand, this is an excellent method of treatment that does not require special skills, such as when injecting drugs. Ointment available, easy to use. But, on the contrary, the flow of drugs into the blood is significantly reduced. The patient must understand that the ointment does not act on the spine directly through the skin. It is absorbed into the bloodstream - a channel located under the skin and subcutaneous tissue, and acts on damaged structures like conventional drugs.
Ointments and gels have an effect, but they are less pronounced than other forms of administration. This method can be used as a supplement, along with tablets or injections. Therefore, do not be surprised if you expect immediate action from the ointment, but receive poor results.
Local ointments are used, which have an anti-inflammatory effect, reduce pain, and reduce tissue swelling.
The ointment may have a warming effect. Much more effective, because it really acts locally, on the vessels located next to the spine. Ointment dilates blood vessels, which is accompanied by a feeling of warmth in the skin and muscles. This improves the condition, relieves discomfort and pain, and restores motor activity.
Apply the ointment on clean skin, it is better to do this before going to bed. Make sure it is completely absorbed into the skin, hold the place where the medicine is applied without clothes so that the ointment does not absorb into the fabric. It is best to apply gels and creams while you rest, especially before going to bed or going to bed.
You can make a compress based on the ointment. To do this, it is applied to a layer of gauze or a bandage, applied to the painful area. On top, you can use a layer of polyethylene film and a warm cloth. It is easy to fix the compress with a scarf or scarf.

exercise therapy
Therapeutic exercise is the patient's ally in the fight against cervical osteochondrosis. But there is one important thing: gymnastics is contraindicated in the acute period of osteochondrosis. Contrary to the internal belief that acute pain can be relieved by exercise or warming up. Forget it. In the acute phase, the neck must be protected and try not to load. Between periods of exacerbation, you can use gymnastics.
The following exercises are used to treat osteochondrosis:
- flexion and extension of the head;
- circular rotation of the head;
- chin pressure on clenched palm. At the same time, the elbow rests on the table;
- pressing hands on the front of the head;
- bring your head to your chest and hold it above with your hands behind your head. Press gently on the occipital area and at the same time try to return the head to its normal position;
- pressing hands on the head from the side.
All movements must be done smoothly and precisely, they should not cause pain or discomfort. You can do lying movements - lift your head off the floor, bring it to your chest, make light movements with your hands with pressure on the neck and head.
With any movement that involves pressing the hand on the head, the head at the same time makes a confrontation, as if depending on the pressure. Movement should not be jerky or sudden.
Do exercises after warming up, circular movements and neck circles. Exercise will easily stimulate the muscle layer and prepare the spine for gymnastics.
Don't exhaust yourself with exercise - if you feel tired, then you should stop and rest your joints.

Massage for osteochondrosis
High-quality therapeutic massage is the best helper to reduce the unpleasant symptoms of osteochondrosis. It is important that the massage is performed by a person trained in this and will not harm the spine. Massage must be carried out in a course, each session at the appointed time. The procedure is important to be done in a calm and relaxed state.
Massage is not performed if the patient has oncopathology, the active phase of the infectious process, pathology of the cardiovascular system, aneurysm, hypertension.
What is the effect of massage on cervical spine osteochondrosis? It reduces muscle tone, relieves spasms, improves microcirculation, relieves pain and discomfort. Also, the patient relaxes during the massage, relaxing and benefiting the whole body.
Collar zone massage is the best option for osteochondrosis. It is only necessary to ensure that there is no pressure on the spine, but the surrounding muscles only warm up. Acupressure is also used. It connects reflex points that interact with each other, resulting in muscle tissue relaxation.
The most optimal option for the treatment of osteochondrosis at home is self-massage. It is easy to do it yourself. First, the patient feels the strength of the pressure and controls it, and secondly, he feels the most problematic area and pays more attention to it. It is necessary to gently stroke the skin, you can do it with the fingertips, the edge of the palm. You can also grab the skin and pinch the muscles - this stimulates them and improves microcirculation.
Prevention of osteochondrosis is primary, which aims to ensure that the disease does not occur at all, and secondary, which reduces the risk of complications and improves the patient's condition. Preventive measures act on the spine directly and indirectly, through the general condition of the body.
Prevention of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine consists of the following components:
- a complete diet that includes the required amount of fat, protein and carbohydrates. It is also desirable to give preference to fresh quality products, without preservatives and chemical additives;
- normal drinking regime. A sufficient amount of water maintains the balance of mineral metabolism, improves the condition of bones and cartilage tissue;
- Reduce the amount of tea and coffee in your diet, as well as alcoholic beverages;
- stop smoking, because it leads to the narrowing of arterial vessels;
- normalize body weight;
- limit the time spent on your phone, tablet or computer. Take a break from work if your activities are related to them. During the working day, try to get up from the table for any reason, take a small walk and exercise, change the position of the body;
- limit physical activity directed to the cervical region;
- wear comfortable shoes that make the body position comfortable and comfortable;
- wear a corrective device if recommended by your doctor. Corset or various braces;
- watch your sleep. It must be a flat, comfortable surface, and ideally an orthopedic mattress.
Do not delay treatment until later - your health depends on when treatment is started. If you are worried about symptoms, you must immediately start treatment so that osteochondrosis does not start and does not lead to complications.